The World Philately News. Dt: 05.08.2021

Olympic Tokyo 2020: India Men's Hockey team won Bronze medal in Tokyo Olympic. 
My Heartiest congratulations to our India Men's Hockey team.

courtesy: Mr.Mohan vaze, Anathapuri Philately Association, Tiruvandapuram

Happy News to all Indian Philatelist. 31 Philately Bureaus closed order was cancelled .

*Birth anniversary of the legendary Tamil king Rajendra Chola I on Aadi Thiruvathirai*
Rajendra Chola I was one of the greatest emperors of the Chola dynasty. He expanded the Chola Empire from where his father Rajaraja Chola had left. Apart from reaching northwards to River Ganges and moving overseas to Maldives and Sri Lanka, he also invaded the Southeast Asian territories of Srivijaya in Malaysia, Indonesia and southern Thailand. He continued to maintain and improve commercial relations with China, started off by his father. He assumed the title ‘Gangaikonda Chola’ (The Chola who took the Ganges) after defeating the Gangas, Chalukyas, Cheras, Palas, Pandyas, Kalinga and other rulers. Besides, he was also known by various other titles, such as Mudigonda Chola, Virarajendra, and Pandita Chola, apart from inheriting the title of ‘Mummudi Chola’ (The Chola with three crowns) from his father. He established a new capital Gangaikonda Cholapuram, where he constructed a Shiva temple, resembling the Brihadeeswara Temple built by his father Rajaraja Chola at the previous capital Thanjavur. He built a vast empire and a strong military and naval force. His rule came to be known as the ‘Golden Age of Cholas’. He was succeeded by his son Rajadhiraja Chola, who was then followed by his other two sons – Rajendra Chola II and Virarajendra Chola

Childhood & Early Life
Rajendra Chola I was born on the occasion of South Indian festival of Thiruvathira in the Tamil month of Margalzhi Thingal, to Raja Raja Chola I and his queen, Vaanathi or Thiripuvana Madeviyar.
He was declared the crown prince by his father in 1012, though he started assisting him in his conquests from 1002 and led campaigns against the Western Chalukyas, Vengi and Kalinga.

Accession & Reign
In 1014, he officially ascended the throne and four years later in 1018, he made his eldest son, Rajadhiraja Chola I, as the yuvaraja (co-regent).

His early expeditions on behalf of his father included conquest of Rashtrakuta country and areas surrounding northwestern Karnataka, Pandharpur, and southern Maharashtra till Kolhapur.

His control over Ceylon was challenged by Sinhala king Mahinda’s son Kassapa, following which a war was fought between the two, with the Cholas turning victorious and resuming power till the reign of Kulothunga Chola III.
In 1018, he raided the territories of the Pandyas and Cheras and seized precious stones. Since his father had previously conquered these territories, it is unclear whether Rajendra added any further territories or not.

He defeated the forces of Vijayaditya, who was installed as the Vengi king by the Western Chalukyas after forcing Rajaraja Narendra into exile, and helped Rajaraja in regaining his throne.

After suppressing the Western and the Eastern Chalukyas, he moved northwards through Kalinga to River Ganges and reached the Pala kingdom of Bengal, where he defeated Mahipala and acquired elephants, women and treasure.

His other conquests included battles against Dharmapala, the ruler of the Kamboja Pala Dynasty in Dandabhukti, Govindachandra of the Chandra Dynasty in present-Bangladesh, and Bastar in modern-Chhattisgarh.
The territories of the Ganges country were initially included in the empire, but were later made subordinates with annual tributes. While the northern kingdoms enjoyed autonomy, the Tamilian territories were under absolute Chola power.

He took upon the title ‘Gangaikonda Chola’ post his victories over the Palas, Chalukyas, Kalinga, Gangas, Pandyas, Cheras, etc. and moved his capital from Thanjavur to Gangaikondacholapuram, where he built a Shiva temple.

He carried out successful invasion expeditions to Tambralinga kingdom in southern Thailand and Langkasuka kingdom in Malaysia, following which he supported Tamil merchants trading in Southeast Asia.
The Cholas were believed to have maintained good relations with the Chinese kingdoms, with the earliest mission sent from Chola king Rajaraja to the Song Dynasty in 1015, with subsequent visits in 1033 and 1077.
The extensive trade between the Cholas and Chinese could have triggered disputes from Srivijaya kingdom, with the Cholas, as it was situated in-between the trade routes.

A second expedition to Sri Lanka in 1041 included wars against Vikramabahu, Jagaitpala, Sinhalese, and the expelled Pandyas, all of whom were defeated, allowing Rajendra to bring the Ceylonese territory under the Chola Empire.
Till the end of his reign, he was constantly at campaigns and conflicts to protect his huge empire from invasions and hold it together. Eventually, he let his sons suppress revolts caused by the Pandyas and Cheras and in Sri Lanka.

Major Battles
He led the famous campaign against the Western Chalukyas and succeeded in invading Kollipakkai or modern-Kulpak in the north of Hyderabad.
While his father was successful in capturing the northern part of Sri Lanka, he went ahead in annexing the entire island in 1017, defeating the Sinhala king, Mahinda V and imprisoning him in the Chola Country, where he died in captivity.

He fought the Western Chalukya king, Jayasimha II, in the Battle of Maski, in 1021, who attempted to control the Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi by supporting Vijayaditya VII and sending his nephew, Rajaraja Narendra, into exile.
In 1025, he invaded Sangrama Vijayatungavarman’s Srivijaya kingdom, imprisoning him and capturing its capital Kadaram, Pannai (present-Sumatra), Kedah (present-Malaysia) and Malaiyur (Malayan peninsula).

He got a large artificial lake, measuring 16 miles long and 3 miles wide, constructed at his capital Gangaikondacholapuram, which is, till date, one of the largest manmade lakes in India.

Being a devout and religious ruler, he got most of the brick-structured temples in his empire converted into stone shrines.

Personal Life & Legacy
He was believed to have had several queens, some of them being Mukkokilan, Arindhavan Madevi, Tribuvana or Vananan Mahadeviar, Panchavan Mahadevi, and Viramadevi, who committed sati upon his death in 1044.
He was succeeded by three of his sons – Rajadhiraja Chola, Rajendra Chola II and Virarajendra Chola.
He had two daughters – Pranaar Arul Mozhi Nangai and Ammanga Devi, who was married to Eastern Chalukya king Rajaraja Narendra and bore the first Chalukya Chola emperor, Kulothunga Chola I.
*Tamilvanan Numismatist & Philatelist*

ЁЯСЙAugust 5th ЁЯСЖ
 ЁЯМ╣ Birth Anniversary ЁЯМ╣
       [ 5 - 8 - 1930 ] ЁЯСЗ
Courtesy Mr Joseph Cochin

A Miniature sheet(No.99)  consisting 4 nos.of commemorative postage stamps issued on (05/August/2011) 80th Years of Rastrapati Bhawan is the official residence of the President of India /Rastrapati Bhawan ( Neo Buddist Dome , Jaipur Column , Mughal Jallies & Mugal Garden) building covering an area of 5 acres on a 330 acre estate.This mansion has a total of 340 rooms spread over four floors , 2.5 kilometres of corridors and 190 acres of garden area./ President Estate that additionally includes the presidential gardens , large open spaces , residences of bodyguards and staff , stables, other offices. Circuit one of Rastrapati Bhawan takes the visitors on a tour of the main building , showing them the Forecourt and premier rooms of the Bhavan including the Banquet Hall , Ashok Hall , Durbar Hall , Library, North Drawing Room , Long Drawing Room Navachara and more / Our Rastrapati Bhawan is the largest residence of any head of state in the world.
Courtesy : Mr.Bibhuti Mohan Mohanty

Gopinath Bordoloi (6 June 1890 – 5 August 1950) was an independence activist and a politician who served as the first Chief Minister of Assam. He was a follower of the Gandhian principle of non-violence as a political tool. Due to his unselfish dedication towards Assam and its people, the then Governor of Assam Jayram Das Doulatram conferred him with the title "Lokapriya" (loved by all).

After India's Independence, he worked closely with Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to secure the sovereignty of Assam against China on one hand and Pakistan on the other. He also helped to organise the rehabilitation of millions of Hindu refugees who had fled East Pakistan due to widespread violence and intimidation in the aftermath of Partition. His work formed the basis for ensuring communal harmony, democracy and stability which effectively kept Assam secure and progressive right up to the 1971 war over Bangladesh's independence. He was instrumental in establishing Gauhati University, High Court of Assam, Assam Medical College, Assam Veterinary College, etc. Gopinath Bordoloi was also a gifted writer. He wrote several books like Annasaktiyog, Shreeramachandra, Hajrat Mohammad, and Budhhadeb while in jail. Throughout his life, he was a stern believer in Gandhian principles. He led a simple life in spite of being a Chief Minister. He died on 5 August 1950.

He was  conferred the Bharat Ratna posthumously in 1999.
Courtesy Mr Baskaran SIPA

Pt. Dwarka Prasad Mishra (1901–1988) was an Indian National Congress politician, diplomat and former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. He was also a writer.

He composed Mahakavya- 'Krishnayan'. He became the Chief Minister of M.P. after Ravi Shanker Shukla.

Courtesy Mr Baskaran SIPA


National Bone and Joint day is celebrated all over India by the Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA) and all its state chapters on 4th of August every year since 2012. 

The primary aim is to create awareness programmes to sensitize the society about the increasing impact of bone and joint disorders, and measures to prevent and treat. 

August 01 to 07 is obserced as Bone and Joint Week to emphasize the importance of maintaining a sound bone health

Health education programmes,  free Bone Mineral Density (BMD) camps and free surgeries for deserving patients are conducted during the week by the members. 

In 2016 Indian Orthopaedic Association created a World Record by performing maximum number of free surgeries by any single country.

The Themes for NBJD are




2016 is "One member One free surgery"

2017 is "Follow Road Safety Rules save Lives"
2018 is 

2019 is “Healthy Aging with Strong Bones”

2020 is 'Prevention of deformity in degenerative disease.'

2021 is "Save Self and Save One"

*Dr. YASHWANT SINGH PARMAR (1906 - 1981)* 
Yashwant Singh Parmar was born on August 04, 1906, at Chanhalag village, Sirmaur State.   

He graduated with BA from Forman Christian College, Lahore and MA LLB in 1928 and Ph.D in Sociology from Lucknow University in 1944. 

He served as Sub Judge and Judicial Magistrate (1930 - 1937) and District and Sessions Judge (1937 – 1941), Sirmaur State.
He served as first Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh Part C State (1952 - 1956). 

He was Member of Lok Sabha (1957 - 1960)

He was Chief Minister of Union Territory of Himachal Pradesh (1963 - 1971) and Himachal Pradesh State (1971 - 1977). 

Himachal Pradesh was declared the eighteenth state of the Union of India on 25th January 1971 during his tenure.

He spent his post retirement life at his farm house in Badyog village (1977 – 1981) and introduced 3-D Forest Farming that can (i) conserve soil (ii) provides fruits, fuel wood and timber for commercial purposes, (iii) provide fodder and edible seeds for cattle.

He was awarded Degree of D. Litt. (Honorary) from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla in 1972.

He died on May 02, 1981, aged 74 years at Shimla 

A great enthusiast of the Pahari culture, political leader, legislator, parliamentarian, administrator, jurist, writer, orator, thinker, 
He is recognized as Himachal Nirmata - The Architect of Himachal Pradesh. 

# First Day Cover issued on April 08, 1988, to commemorate the 102 birth anniversary of Dr.Y. S. Parmar features the leader’s portrait with along with an outline of map of Himachal Pradesh. The stamp features the leader and cancelled from Shimla 

# FDC issued on April 25, 2021, to commemorate the 50 the anniversary of full Statehood of Himachal Pradesh features the south portal of Atal Tunnel, Rohtang. The stamp features the 50 years celebration emblem and the cancellation features the Himalayan range. The FDC is cancelled at Shimla. 

An OPE collected and compiled by Dr M K Sudhakar MD Philatelic Hobbyist and Life Member SIPA Chennai 

Happy viewing Happy collecting ЁЯЩП


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