Today Philately News ( 16.07.2021)

Courtesy: Mr Pratap Adtiya *TODAY* *World Snake Day* Snakes have gotten something of a bad rap over the past few thousand years. What with that one snake tricking that nice lady into eating an apple way back when, thus condemning the entire human race to mortality, snakes have been mistrusted if not flat-out feared. And while it is understandable that people may fear an animal that can easily kill them, we think these fascinating, diverse creatures that range from several inches to 30 feet long, and from friendly and docile to aggressive and deadly, deserve for people to find out more about them. World Snake Day is an important day when it comes to increasing awareness about the different species of snake all around the world. Snakes tend to have a negative connotation. A lot of people are scared of snakes, and of course, we can definitely understand the reasons why! No one likes the thought of being gobbled up by a snake, do they? Plus, when someone is two-face...