Jatindra Nath Das (27 October 1904 – 13 September 1929), also known as Jatin Das, was an Indian independence activist and revolutionary. He died in Lahore jail after a 63-day hunger strike. He joined the Anushilan Samiti, a revolutionary group in Bengal, at a young age and also participated in Gandhi's Non-Cooperation movement in 1921. Das was arrested for his political activities and was imprisoned at the Mymensingh Central Jail. He was contacted by revolutionaries in other parts of India and agreed to participate in bomb-making for Bhagat Singh and comrades. Sachindra Nath Sanyal taught him how to make bombs. On 14 June 1929 he was arrested for revolutionary activities and was imprisoned in Lahore jail to be tried under the supplementary Lahore Conspiracy Case. In Lahore jail, Das began a hunger strike along with other revolutionary fighters, demanding equality for Indian political prisoners with those from Europe...