The World Philately News Dt: 20.10.2021

Courtesy: chef .Bala, SIPA MAPNA Picture post cards on hand drawing by Padma Sri Manohar Jesudoss released by Dept of Posts on 12-10-2021 are available ai Madurai Philatelic Bureau, HPO, Madurai .MAPNA Members can get the cards in a bundle of 25 Nos.each.and best utilise by cancelling and sending as greetings on festivals and NewYear ri 2022. Also you can get and send to your friends asking them to post to you so that you will get cancelled cards for your collection. Madurai Philatelic Bureau pH. No: 0452 2345300. Msg from M.Swamiappan, President MAPNA 🌻🌺Meera Bai Jayanti 2021🌺🌻 Meera Bai - मीराबाई (1498-1547 circa) was a great Hindu poet and ardent devotee of Lord Krishna. She was one of the significant Sants of the Vaishnava Bhak...