MAPNA 202th Monthly Meeting Agenda & Minutes

*Madurai Philatelist and Numismatist Association* Minutes of MAPNA 202th Monthly Meeting Date: 26.02.2023 Place:. Victoria Edward Hall, Madurai 1. Meeting start with Prayer 2. Welcome speech given by our Secretary Mr T.j. Shanmughalal 3. Meeting Presided over by Our President Dr.M.Swamiappan . He shared more news trending about Philatelic and Numismatics 4. AAVIN Mr Vijaya Kumar given special speech about Indian commemorative coins present value and share more information about Indian coins. 5. Dr.Vasantha talked about Exotic Birds on Stamps. And showed her few birds collection to our members. 6. Some of our members went to AMRITPEX 2023 National Philatelic Exhibition @ New Delhi. Following members shared his experience. A . Mr SakthiRaj B. Mr.A.Ganesan Mr G.Rajesh Kumar 7. Some of Our Life ...