MAPNA Virtual Monthly Meeting on 20.06.2021

Madurai Philatelist and Numismatist Association Virtual Monthly Meeting *AGENDA* Virtual Meet: Through Zoom app Date : 20.06.2021 *Evening* Time: 06.00 pm to 6.35 pm ( 1st Segment) 06.36 pm to. 7.20pm( 2nd Segment) Meeting start @ 6.00 pm. Welcome speech given by Our President Dr.M.Swamiappan @ 06.05pm Our secretary Mr.Shanmughalal sir read our last montly meeting minutes.6.08pm. Program especially will conduct to *our student members.* ( Starting time 6.12pm till End time) Special speaker : Our student Members 1. Selvi M.Jaya Bavani- 10th std Topic : Animals related with Hindu Gods 2 Selvan S.K.Kaifur Sahaul Hameed, 6th std - Topic : Palindrome Numbers on Date cancellation 3.Selvan C.M .Dhanuj(8th), C.M.Dilshan(4th), & P.K.Mani sri ram(8th). Topic:International yoga Day celebration 4.Selvan Anbu Chidambaram (8th) Topic: The Olympians 5.selvi Kan...