The World Philately News Dt 28.09.2021

*LOUIS PASTEUR (1822 - 1895)* The French scientist developed the first successful rabies vaccine which was administered to Joesph Meister a nine year old shepherd boy who had been mauled by a rabid dog on July 06, 1885 #1 FDC of stamp issued by France on Louis Pasteur in 1973 # FDC of stamp issued by France on the 100th anniversary of rabies vaccine in 1985 The stamps feature the Louis Pasteur and Joesph Meister the first person to receive the rabies vaccine. The private envelopes depict the Statue of Jupile at Pasteur Institute, Paris who was the second person to receive the vaccine An OPE by Dr. M.K.Sudhakar MD, Adjunct Professor of Medicine, TNMMC, Chennai Life Member SIPA Chennai 🙏 *WORLD RABIES DAY* World Rabies Day is an international awareness campaign coordinated by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control, a non-profit organization with headquarters in the United States. WRD is a United Nat...