The world Philately News- Dt: 28.07.2021
*TODAY* *World Hepatitis Day* World Hepatitis Day (WHD) takes places every year on 28 July bringing the world together under a single theme to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis and to influence real change. In 2021 the theme is *‘Hepatitis Can’t Wait’.* On World Hepatitis Day, we call on people from across the world to take action and raise awareness of hepatitis because Hepatitis Can’t Wait. World Hepatitis Day, aims to raise global awareness of hepatitis — a group of infectious diseases known as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Hepatitis affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, causing acute and chronic disease and killing close to 1.34 million people every year. Hepatitis causes liver diseases and can also kill a person.In some countries hepatitis B is commonest cause of cirrhosis and may also cause liver cancer(HCC) Hepatitis groups, patients and advocates worldwide take part in events on ...